These are set and enforced by the moderators.
No trolling, microaggressions, bullying, doxxing, or harassment.
Respect others' boundaries.
Use the Content Warning feature liberally. Tag sensitive content such as violence/blood, NSFW content, and other potentially upsetting or triggering topics. If you have to ask yourself, err on the side of requiring an extra click.
Posting the same content on multiple instances in order to spam local and/or federated timelines is not permitted.
No content that includes sexual depictions of minors (including illustrations).
No content illegal in Germany and/or France, such as holocaust denial or Nazi symbolism. No conduct promoting the ideology of National Socialism.
No incitement of violence or promotion of violent ideologies.
Conduct intended to stalk or harass users, impede users from using the service, degrade the performance of the service, or incite others to perform any of the aforementioned actions is disallowed and will result in a permanent ban.
No racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, ableism, fatmisia, xenophobia, casteism, and/or violent nationalism or the advocacy of any of the above.
No unapproved advertising or spam.
Bots must be approved by the administrators and are subject to all rules above.
Provably false content is subject to removal by the administrators. Repeated posting of disinformation or intentional misinformation will result in a permanent ban.
In plain English: Be excellent to each other. Don't be Nazis. Respect boundaries.